Why Mail-In Orthodontic Aligners Can Worsen Your Oral Health

Braces have been the crux of most problems patients have with their dental care. The possibility of paying extensive prices for braces, long-term treatments, and uncertain results can seem daunting and troublesome to many. As a result of this issue, many patients have been leaning towards online options for their dental care. Mail-in braces have been an underground trend within the last decade, and because of this rising trend, we’re here to provide light on the circumstances and tell you what they are and what you should know about mail-in orthodontics. 

What are Mail-In Braces? And Do They Work? 

Mail-in braces are, in simple terms, a braces kit that patients can use to straighten their teeth. These treatments attempt to offer more affordable options to patients with misaligned teeth and advertise faster straightening times and accessible forms of care. However, these products tend to cause a lot more problems for people than advertised. In reality, they cause more harm than good and are an after-effect of many orthodontic complications. 

These braces come with many problems when looked at more closely. These problems include: 

  • No Regulations: Because these products don’t provide the safety measures to install and use them properly, these products come with extensive risks. While some companies can work with dental insurance companies to provide fair prices, many are not overseen by dental associations such as the ADA and the American Association of Orthodontists, which work with developing companies to safety test and approve certain products for the public. 
  • No Orthodontic Oversight: Your orthodontist (or any dentist capable of orthodontic work) is the only one who can assure that your teeth are being treated correctly. Under this oversight, orthodontists can determine whether you need braces, clear aligners, retainers, or other devices to help straighten your smile. 
  • High Risk of Damage: One of the biggest factors is that mail-in orthodontics pose a higher risk of damage to the teeth, gums, and jawline because of the lack of oversight. These braces have the possibility of moving the teeth too quickly or placing too much pressure along the jawline and can increase the risk of traumatic tooth damage and jaw pain.
  • More Costs Overtime: Any damage from these braces can be more costly overall than treatment provided by your orthodontist. Despite their advertised low costs and fast solutions, mail-in orthodontics pose more costs due to the damage repairs and lack of insurance coverage, leaving lasting consequences to your oral health.

Visit Your Dentist or Orthodontist For Effective, Safe Treatment

Because of how intricate orthodontic treatment is, it’s considered easier and safer for adults to straighten their teeth with proper orthodontic care recommended by a certified orthodontist for safe, successful treatment. Visiting your orthodontist can provide safe, effective solutions for tooth alignment and protect your smile from traumatic injury, decay, and other oral diseases. They can work alongside you to monitor your oral health and tooth alignment and give you the tools you need to continue your oral care. 

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